maquillaje de ojos para novias

Maquillaje de Ojos para Novias: Cómo Hacer que Destaquen en las Fotos

The maquillaje de ojos para novias es una parte fundamental del look nupcial, ya que puede realzar la mirada y hacer que tus ojos brillen en las fotos de tu wedding. Dado que tu rostro será el centro de atención durante todo el día, es crucial que tu maquillaje de ojos no solo complemente tu estilo, sino que también resalte en las imágenes. En Marbella y Malaga, donde el clima puede ser un desafío para el maquillaje, una preparación adecuada y técnicas específicas son esenciales para lograr un look perfecto.

En nuestro equipo de maquilladoras y estilistas con experiencia en bodas, entendemos la importancia de un maquillaje de ojos que no solo luzca hermoso en persona, sino que también se vea impecable en las fotos. A continuación, te ofrecemos una guía completa para asegurarte de que tu maquillaje de ojos sea un verdadero éxito el día de tu boda.

maquillaje de ojos

1. Preparación de los Ojos: La Base Esencial para un Maquillaje Impecable

La preparación de los párpados es un paso fundamental para garantizar que el maquillaje de ojos se aplique de manera uniforme y dure todo el día. Sin una base adecuada, las sombras pueden asentarse en las líneas del párpado y desvanecerse rápidamente.

Pasos para una base perfecta:

  • Prebase para párpados: Aplicar una prebase para párpados es esencial para que las sombras se adhieran correctamente y se mantengan en su lugar. Una buena prebase también ayuda a prevenir la acumulación de producto en las líneas del párpado, garantizando un acabado suave y duradero. Nuestro equipo utiliza prebases de alta calidad que se adaptan a diferentes tipos de piel y necesidades.
  • Corrector: Utiliza un corrector en el área de los ojos para cubrir cualquier imperfección, manchas o discoloración. Esto no solo iguala el tono de la piel, sino que también proporciona una base uniforme para aplicar las sombras. Asegúrate de difuminar bien el corrector para evitar líneas visibles.

bridal make-up according to your skin

2. Técnicas de Maquillaje para Resaltar los Ojos

The técnicas de maquillaje adecuadas pueden transformar tu mirada y asegurarse de que tus ojos sean el centro de atención en las fotos. A continuación, te presentamos algunas técnicas populares para un look impresionante.

Técnicas recomendadas:

  • Smokey Eye: El maquillaje ahumado es una opción clásica y sofisticada para el día de tu boda. Los tonos oscuros y metálicos pueden agregar profundidad y drama a tu mirada. Para un acabado impecable, asegúrate de difuminar las sombras de manera uniforme y evitar líneas duras. Utiliza un tono más claro en el lagrimal para abrir el ojo y un tono más oscuro en la esquina exterior para crear profundidad.
  • Delineado de Gato: Un delineado de gato o alado es ideal para crear una mirada definida y elegante. Usa un delineador líquido o en gel para obtener un trazo preciso y duradero. El delineado de gato puede hacer que tus ojos se vean más grandes y almendrados, agregando un toque de sofisticación a tu look.
  • Sombras Metálicas: Las sombras en tonos metálicos, como dorado, plateado o cobre, pueden reflejar la luz de manera hermosa en las fotos y aportar un brillo especial a tus ojos. Estos tonos pueden ser utilizados en el párpado móvil y combinados con tonos mate en la cuenca para un contraste elegante.

Bridesmaid make-up

3. Uso de Pestañas Postizas y Rizador de Pestañas para una Mirada Deslumbrante

Las pestañas largas y voluminosas pueden hacer una gran diferencia en cómo se ve tu maquillaje de ojos, especialmente en las fotos. Unas pestañas bien cuidadas abren la mirada y aportan un toque de glamour.

Consejos prácticos:

  • Rizador de pestañas: Antes de aplicar la máscara, utiliza un rizador de pestañas para darle un rizo duradero y abrir la mirada. Asegúrate de utilizar el rizador correctamente para evitar dañar las pestañas.
  • Pestañas postizas: Las pestañas postizas pueden agregar volumen y longitud, haciéndote lucir aún más radiante. Elige un estilo que complemente tu maquillaje y tu forma de ojos sin sobrecargarlo. Nuestro equipo tiene experiencia en la selección y aplicación de pestañas postizas que se ven naturales y cómodas.

Bridal makeup marbella

4. Selección de Colores que Complementen tu Look

El color de las sombras y el delineador debe complementar tanto el color de tus ojos como el resto del maquillaje. Elegir los tonos adecuados puede realzar la belleza natural de tus ojos y armonizar con tu look general.

Opciones de colores:

  • Sombras Neutras: Los tonos neutros como beige, marrón y dorado son versátiles y complementan una amplia gama de colores de ojos. Estos colores pueden ser utilizados para un look natural y sofisticado.
  • Colores Complementarios: Si buscas un look más audaz, considera usar colores que contrasten con el color de tus ojos. Por ejemplo, los tonos morados pueden hacer que los ojos verdes brillen, mientras que los tonos cobre pueden realzar los ojos azules. Asegúrate de elegir colores que resalten sin desentonar con el resto de tu maquillaje.

5. Adaptación al Clima de Marbella y Málaga

El clima cálido y húmedo de Marbella y Málaga puede afectar cómo se ve tu maquillaje a lo largo del día. Es importante elegir productos que se adapten a estas condiciones para garantizar un maquillaje de ojos duradero.

Weather tips:

  • Water Resistant Products: Opta por sombras y delineadores resistentes al agua para evitar que se corran o se desvanezcan. Estos productos están diseñados para resistir la humedad y el calor, manteniendo tu maquillaje impecable durante todo el día.
  • Polvo Translucido: Usa un polvo translucido para sellar el maquillaje de los ojos y controlar el brillo. Esto ayuda a que el maquillaje se mantenga en su lugar y previene la acumulación de grasa en el área de los ojos.

6. Consideraciones para Diferentes Formas de Ojos

Cada forma de ojos requiere técnicas específicas para resaltar su belleza única. Es importante adaptar el maquillaje de ojos según la forma de tus ojos para lograr el mejor resultado.

Técnicas por forma de ojos:

  • Ojos Almendrados: Puedes experimentar con diferentes técnicas, como el delineado de gato o el maquillaje ahumado. Los ojos almendrados son versátiles y pueden lucir bien con una amplia gama de estilos de maquillaje.
  • Ojos Redondos: Para alargar visualmente los ojos redondos, aplica un delineado alado y utiliza sombras oscuras en la esquina exterior del ojo. Evita aplicar sombras brillantes en el área del lagrimal para no acentuar el redondeo.
  • Ojos Caídos: Para levantar los ojos caídos, aplica un delineado en forma de “V” en la esquina exterior y utiliza sombras más claras en el centro del párpado. El uso de pestañas postizas en la esquina exterior también puede ayudar a levantar la mirada.

7. La Experiencia del Equipo: Creando el Look Perfecto para Cada Novia

En nuestro equipo de maquillaje y peinados en Marbella y Málaga, contamos con una vasta experiencia en la creación de looks de ojos que capturan la esencia y el estilo de cada novia. Sabemos cómo trabajar con diferentes formas de ojos, colores y estilos para lograr un maquillaje que se vea increíble tanto en persona como en las fotos.

Services we offer:

  • Consultas Personalizadas: Realizamos consultas detalladas para entender tu visión y preferencias de maquillaje de ojos. Esto incluye pruebas de maquillaje para ajustar los detalles y garantizar que el look sea exactamente lo que imaginas.
  • Aplicación Experta: Nuestro equipo utiliza técnicas avanzadas y productos de alta calidad para asegurar que tu maquillaje de ojos se mantenga perfecto durante todo el día. Nos aseguramos de que cada detalle esté cuidadosamente aplicado para que tu mirada sea deslumbrante.


The maquillaje de ojos es una parte esencial de tu look nupcial y puede hacer que tu mirada destaque en las fotos de manera espectacular. Desde la preparación de los párpados hasta la elección de técnicas y colores, cada detalle cuenta para lograr un acabado perfecto. Con la experiencia y el profesionalismo de nuestro equipo de maquilladoras en Marbella y la costa del sol, te ayudamos a crear el look ideal para tus ojos, asegurando que luzcas radiante y segura en uno de los días más importantes de tu vida. ¡Confía en nosotros para que tus ojos sean el centro de atención y para capturar cada momento con una belleza que perdurará en el tiempo!

maquillaje de ojos para novias

Wedding Makeup Trends for 2025: The Latest for Brides in Marbella and Málaga

The wedding make-up is one of the most important aspects for any bride who wants to look radiant on her big day. In the world of make-upTrends are constantly evolving, and this year is no exception. If you houses in Marbella or Malaga, areas known for their weddings in paradisiacal beaches and natural settings, it is essential that you know the latest in bridal make-up so you can choose a style that is not only on trend, but also ideal for the weather and the setting.

Here are the main ones trends in wedding make-up by 2025The perfect choice for brides who want to be avant-garde and highlight their natural beauty on the most important day of their lives.




1. Natural and Fresh Make-up: Effortless Beauty

In recent years, the natural make-up has dominated the world of weddings, and in 2025 it continues to be one of the main trends in the wedding industry. bridal make-up. This style seeks to enhance the bride's natural beauty without overloading the face with products.

To achieve this look, skin should look radiant, but not oily, with a light foundation that allows it to look fresh and healthy. Nude and soft shades such as pale pink, peach or beige on the lips and cheeks are essential. Eyes usually wear subtle make-up with neutral shadows and long lashes, but without exaggerated eyeliner.

This style is perfect for weddings in Marbella and Malagawhere sunny weather and natural landscapes combine beautifully with a fresh, minimalist look.


Bridal makeup


2. Glowing Skin: The Glass Skin Effect

The Glass Skin' effect (glass skin) continues to gain ground on the bridal make-up. This trend, which originated in Korea, is characterised by extremely moisturised and luminous skin, almost as if it has a natural glow from within.

To achieve this look, a prior skincare routine is essential, including cleansing, deep moisturising and the use of serums and oils that leave the skin radiant. In terms of make-up, use a luminous foundation or a light BB cream, which does not occlude the pores and allows the skin to breathe.

In the Marbella and Malaga environment, where the weather can be hot, it is important to seal this look with sweat and humidity proof products to keep the skin flawless throughout the celebration.


Bridal makeup marbella


3. Bold Lips: The Return of Intense Lipsticks

After several seasons of nude and natural shades of lips, this year the lips of the bold lips are back. The most daring brides opt for lipsticks in shades of red, burgundy or plum, which add a touch of elegance and personality.

The trick to achieving a balanced look with bold lips is to keep the rest of your make-up subtle. If you choose a bold lipstick, make sure your eyes and face maintain a softer, more natural look. Also, for weddings in warm climates like Malaga, it's advisable to opt for long-lasting lipsticks that will stand up to the hours of partying.


Bridal makeup malaga


4. Metallic and Shimmering Shadows: Glamour in the Eyes

The metallic and shimmering shadows are all the rage this year, especially for brides looking for a glamorous and sophisticated look. Shades such as gold, silver, copper and bronze are perfect for adding a touch of luxury to eye make-up.

This type of make-up is ideal for weddings that take place at dusk or at night, when light plays a key role in bringing out the sparkle in the eyes. On the Costa del Sol, where many weddings are held outdoors or in settings filled with natural light, shimmering shadows capture the mood perfectly.

If you decide to opt for this trend, it is important to balance the brightness in the eyes with more matte tones in the rest of the face, so as not to overloading make-up.


bridal make-up


5. Natural and Defined Eyebrows

Eyebrows are still a central element in bridal make-up, but the trend at [Current Year] is towards more natural, slightly tousled, yet well-defined brows. Thick, perfectly delineated eyebrows have been left behind, giving way to a more relaxed and natural look, which fits in perfectly with the outdoor and beach weddings so common in Malaga.

For eyebrows that follow this trend, it's important to comb them upwards, fill in the gaps with a pencil or eyebrow shadow in soft shades and set them with clear gel to keep them in place all day long.


Wedding Make-up


6. Terracotta Shades: Inspiration from Nature

Terracotta and earth tones are gaining popularity this year, both in eyeshadows, blushes and lipsticks. These warm, earthy colours, such as burnt orange, soft brown and bronze, are perfect for outdoor weddingsThey complement the natural tones of the surroundings.

In the case of weddings in Malaga, these tones perfectly evoke the Mediterranean landscapes and bring an elegant and contemporary touch to the wedding. bridal make-up. They are also very versatile and suit both light and darker skin tones.


Bridal makeup marbella


7. Smooth Graphic Liner: A Modern Touch

Graphic outlining has been a trend at the world of make-up over the last few years, but in the bridal field, in 2025, it adapts to be softer and less dramatic. This type of eyeliner plays with geometric shapes and fine lines, while maintaining an elegant and subtle style.

A soft graphic eyeliner can give a modern and original touch to the bridal make-upwithout losing elegance. It is ideal for brides who want something different, but not too extravagant.


Bridal makeup


8. XL Lashes: Volume and Length

The long and voluminous eyelashes are still a classic in bridal make-up. In [Current Year], the trend focuses on voluminous lashes that look natural, avoiding the effect of exaggerated false lashes.

To achieve this look, eyelash extensions or individual lashes are often used, which allow for a more discreet but striking finish. In Marbella and Malaga, where weddings are usually outdoors, this type of eyelashes is ideal, as it highlights the eyes without looking artificial.


wedding hairstyles in Marbella, wedding hairdresser



The wedding make-up trends in 2025 offer a wide variety of options for all types of brides. From natural and fresh looks to bold lips and metallic shades, each trend allows brides to express their unique personality and style. If you're getting married on the Costa del Sol, remember to take into account the weather and the duration of the event so that your make-up that remains impeccable throughout the day and, above all, that it matches your wedding hairstyle.

No matter what your style is, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and confident on your wedding day. Get inspired by these trends and find the perfect look for you!

wedding makeup marbella, wedding makeup marbella

How to Choose the Right Make-up for Your Wedding Day Skin Tone


On the day of the wedding is a moment that all bride you want to remember forever, and every detail is important, especially your make-up. For the perfect bridal look, it's not only essential to choose a style that reflects your personality, but also one that complements your skin tone. Choosing the wedding make-up The ideal skin tone can make the difference between a harmonious look and one that doesn't bring out your best features.

bridal makeup, wedding makeup

If you are getting married on the Costa del SolWhere the weather is sunny and weddings are often held in natural settings such as beaches and gardens, it is even more important that your make-up suits your skin tone to ensure you look radiant and harmonious in any light. In this article, I'll help you to select the right bridal make-up ideal for your skin tone, so you can shine with confidence on your big day.


1. Knowing Your Skin Undertone: The Key to Perfect Make-up

Before we delve into skin tones and skin types, it is necessary to make-up recommendationsIn addition, it is essential to understand the importance of skin undertones. The undertone is the underlying colour of your skin and can be cool, warm or neutral. Knowing your undertone will help you choose colours that best complement your skin and prevent your make-up from looking dull or too artificial.

wedding makeup marbella

How to identify your undertone:

  • Warm undertone: If your veins look greenish and golden colours look better on you, you probably have a warm undertone.
  • Cool undertone: If your veins appear bluer and silver colours suit you, you have a cool undertone.
  • Neutral undertone: If you cannot clearly identify between green or blue veins and both shades (gold and silver) suit you, you probably have a neutral undertone.

Now that you know what your undertone is, let's take a look at the recommendations from bridal make-up according to skin tone.

bridal make-up according to your skin


2. Make-up for fair skin: highlight with delicacy

Brides with fair skin tend to have skin tones ranging from very light beige to ivory. For this skin type, it is crucial to avoid colours that can make the face look dull or too artificial. The goal is to achieve a balance between softness and definition, while maintaining naturalness.


Make-up recommendations for brides with fair skin:

  • Make-up base: Choose a foundation that is the same shade as your skin tone or a slightly warmer shade to avoid a pale complexion. Satin or glow foundations are ideal for adding luminosity without overloading the skin.
  • Eyeshadows: Soft tones such as pale pink, champagne, peach and light earth tones are perfect for fair-skinned brides. Avoid very dark or dramatic colours as they can be too contrasting.
  • Blush: A touch of blush in peach, soft pink or coral tones will bring a fresh, healthy glow to your face. Cream blush is an excellent choice for a natural, luminous finish.
  • Lips: Lipsticks in nude pink, peach or soft pink shades work well for fair skin. If you prefer something bolder, a cherry red or soft fuchsia can also stand out without overwhelming your face.

bridal make-up malaga


3. Make-up for Medium Skin: Balance and Warmth

Brides with medium skin have a great advantage, as they can wear a wide variety of colours. Medium skin tones range from golden beige to light caramel, and often benefit from warm tones that add light and sophistication.


Make-up recommendations for brides with medium skin:

  • Make-up base: Opt for a foundation with a satin or semi-matte finish to complement your natural tone. Foundations with a hint of gold or bronze are ideal for a healthy, radiant look.
  • Eyeshadows: Warm tones such as gold, copper, bronze and terracotta are perfect for highlighting the eyes of brides with medium skin. These colours add warmth and complement the skin tone without creating harsh contrasts.
  • Blush: Peach, coral or even bronze blushes are ideal for medium skin tones. These colours add a warm, flattering touch that naturally highlights the cheeks.
  • Lips: Deeper nude shades, warm pinks, peaches and reds with warm undertones such as brick red are perfect for balancing make-up for brides with medium skin.


wedding makeup malaga

4. Make-up for Dark Skin: Intensity and Glamour

Brides with brunette skin, ranging from dark caramel to deep brown, can afford to play with intense colours that highlight their naturally luminous skin. The make-up wedding dress for dark skin should focus on highlighting the depth and natural nuances of the skin.


Make-up recommendations for brides with dark skin:

  • Make-up base: Choose a foundation that is the same tone as your skin tone or slightly warmer to avoid a dull look. Matte or semi-matte foundations are excellent for this skin type, as they provide flawless, even coverage.
  • Eyeshadows: Vibrant shades such as dark gold, bronze, plum, wine and emerald green are ideal for brunettes. These colours complement the warmth of the skin and add a touch of glamour to the bridal look.
  • Blush: Blushers in terracotta, bronze or wine tones are perfect for highlighting the cheeks of a bride with dark skin. These shades add warmth without losing naturalness.
  • Lips: Intense shades such as deep red, burgundy, plum or chocolate nude are perfect for dark skin. These colours stand out in an elegant and sophisticated way.


5. Make-up for Dark Skin: Elegance and Sophistication

Brides with dark skin have the opportunity to wear deep, vibrant colours that add a touch of glamour and sophistication. Wedding make-up for dark skin should focus on bringing out the natural radiance of the face, with a play of intense, bold colours.

make-up artist malaga

Make-up recommendations for brides with dark skin:

  • Make-up base: Make sure you choose a foundation that does not lighten your skin. It is important to select a foundation that blends perfectly with your skin tone and provides smooth, natural coverage, preferably with a matte finish to avoid excessive shine.
  • Eyeshadows: Colours such as navy blue, deep gold, copper, purple and chocolate work perfectly on dark skin, highlighting the eyes in a dramatic yet elegant way.
  • Blush: Choose blushes in shades of plum, burgundy or terracotta. These shades add a healthy, flattering touch to the cheeks, without clashing with the depth of the skin.
  • Lips: Deep, dark shades such as wine, plum, dark red or even a chocolate nude are excellent choices for brides with dark skin. If you prefer a softer look, dark peach or deep pinks are also ideal choices.


6. Considerations for All Brides: Durable, Weather-Adapted Make-up

Regardless of your skin tone, if you are getting married in places like Marbella or Malaga, where the climate is warm and sunny, it is essential that your make-up is long-lasting and resistant to high temperatures. Here are some additional tips:

  • Primers and fixatives: Use a good primer adapted to your skin type (moisturising for dry skin or mattifying for oily skin) to make your make-up last longer. Don't forget to finish your look with a setting spray.
  • Waterproof make-up: In warm environments, opt for waterproof products, especially for eye make-up. This will ensure your look stays intact throughout the event.
  • Sun protection: Make sure your make-up includes sun protection, especially if your wedding is outdoors. A BB cream with SPF or a foundation with sunscreen is ideal to avoid skin damage from sun exposure.



Choose the bridal make-up according to your skin tone is crucial to achieve a harmonious and flattering look on your big day. Every skin tone has its own beauty, and with the right recommendations, you can enhance your best features and shine like never before. Always remember to also consider your skin undertone and the environment where the wedding will be held so that the make-up is completely adapted to you and the conditions of the event.

With these guidelines, you'll be ready to wear radiant make-up that highlights your natural beauty and makes you feel amazing at your wedding.


Make-up for Bridesmaids: Coordination and Styling

The bridesmaid make-up plays a crucial role in a bride's big day, as it must complement her overall look and coordinate with the style of the event. On the Costa del Sol, where the weather and local trends can influence beauty choices, it is essential that the bride's hair is styled and styled to complement her overall look. bridesmaids make-up not only enhances its beauty, but also harmonises with the bridal make-up and the theme of the wedding. With the expertise of our team of make-up artists and stylists, we offer you a complete guide to ensure that the bridesmaids' make-up is perfect and suits the needs of each guest.


Bridesmaid make-up


1. The Importance of Coordination in Make-up

The coordination of the bridesmaid make-up with the bridal make-up is essential to achieve a cohesive look in the photos and during the celebration. While each bridesmaid should look beautiful and feel comfortable, the make-up should be in harmony with the bride's style and the overall theme of the wedding.


Key aspects for perfect coordination:

  • Prior Consultation: Conduct a prior consultation with all the bridesmaids to discuss the style and colours of the make-up and also about the bridesmaids' hairstyle. This ensures that everyone is in tune with the bride's vision and avoids surprises on the day of the event.
  • Make-up tests: Offer bridesmaids make-up trials to fine-tune the details and ensure the look suits their individual features and the theme of the wedding.

make-up ladies


2. Choosing the Right Makeup Style for Bridesmaids

Bridesmaid make-up styles can vary depending on the type of wedding, the season and individual preferences. However, there should be a balance between bridesmaid make-up and bridal make-up.

Recommended make-up styles:

  • Natural Make-up: For beach or country weddings in Marbella and Malaga, a natural and fresh look can be ideal. Use soft, neutral tones to enhance the natural beauty of each bridesmaid without detracting from the bride.
  • Glam Make-up: For weddings in more formal or urban settings, glam make-up can be a great option. This can include deeper shadows, winged eyeliner and more defined lips. Make sure the bridesmaids' glam look complements the bride's look without overshadowing it.
  • Coordinated make-up: Regardless of the style, make sure that the colours and techniques used in the bridesmaids' make-up harmonise with the theme and colour palette of the wedding. This helps to maintain a uniform and elegant look in all photos.

Make-up for bridesmaids


3. Adaptation to Different Skin Types and Facial Features

Each bridesmaid has unique facial features and different skin types. It is important to tailor make-up to highlight each bridesmaid's individual beauty while maintaining a consistent look.

Important considerations:

  • Skin type: Choose products suitable for each bridesmaid's skin type. For dry skin, opt for moisturising and creamy foundations; for oily skin, use mattifying and long-wearing products.
  • Face Shape: Adjusts contouring and highlighting techniques according to the shape of each bridesmaid's face to enhance her facial features in a natural and flattering way.
  • Eye and Hair Colour: Consider the colour of each bridesmaid's eyes and hair when selecting eye shadow and eyeliner shades. Colours that contrast with the tone of the eyes can make your eyes stand out and look more vibrant.




4. Skin Preparation: Routine and Prior Care

Proper skin preparation is essential for long-lasting, high-quality make-up. Make sure bridesmaids follow a skincare routine before the wedding day.

Recommended steps:

  • Cleansing and Moisturising: Make sure each bridesmaid cleanses and moisturises her skin before makeup. Well-prepared skin helps make-up apply evenly and last longer.
  • Product Testing: We recommend testing make-up products in advance to avoid adverse reactions and to ensure that the products are well suited to each skin type.


5. Adaptation to the climate of the Costa del Sol

The hot and humid climate of Marbella and Malaga can affect how make-up looks throughout the day. It is crucial to choose products that can withstand the local weather conditions to maintain a fresh and stylish look.

Weather tips:

  • Water Resistant Products: Opt for waterproof foundations, shadows and eyeliners to prevent your makeup from smudging or fading.
  • Brightness Control: Use translucent powders to control shine and maintain a matte finish throughout the day. This is especially important in areas prone to oil build-up, such as the T-zone.


makeup marbella


6. Coordination with Wedding Style and Theme

Bridesmaid make-up should complement the overall style and theme of the wedding. Make sure the look aligns with the bride's vision and the mood of the event.

Coordination considerations:

  • Wedding Theme: If the wedding has a specific theme, such as vintage, bohemian or elegant, the make-up should reflect that style. This includes selecting colours, techniques and finishes that fit the theme.
  • Colour Palette: Use the colour palette of the wedding to choose the make-up shades. This ensures that the bridesmaids' look harmonises with the wedding décor and attire.


7. The Team Experience: Creating Perfect Looks for Bridesmaids

At our hair and make-up team in Marbella and Malaga, we have vast experience in creating make-up looks that are tailored to the needs and preferences of each bridesmaid. We know how to balance individual style with group coordination to achieve a cohesive and elegant look.

Services we offer:

  • Consultations and Tests: We conduct detailed consultations and make-up trials for each bridesmaid to ensure that the look is perfect. This includes adjusting the details according to your individual preferences and features.
  • Professional Application: Our team uses advanced techniques and high quality products to ensure that the make-up stays flawless throughout the day. We make sure every bridesmaid feels comfortable and confident with her look.



The bridesmaids make-up is an essential part of your wedding preparation, and should be carefully coordinated to complement the bride's overall look and the theme of the event. From the selection of styles and colours to adapting to different skin types and the local climate, every detail counts in achieving a harmonious and elegant look.

With the experience and professionalism of our hair and make-up team in Marbella and Malaga, we help you create the perfect bridesmaid make-up, ensuring that every guest looks and feels fantastic on the big day. Trust us to coordinate every aspect of your make-up and make your wedding an unforgettable event.