como elegir un peinado de boda, peinado de novia

Bridal Hairstyles: Trends in 2025

The wedding day is one of the most important moments in any woman's life, and every detail counts to achieve the perfect look. One of the fundamental aspects is the bridal hairstyle, as it complements the dress, the makeup and the overall style of the bride. As a bridal hairstyles in Marbella specialist, I have worked with numerous brides helping them find the ideal style that reflects their personality and enhances their natural beauty. In 2025, bridal hairstyle trends continue to evolve, opting for sophisticated, natural, and personalized styles. In this article, I will guide you through the main trends so that you can find the perfect option for your big day.

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1. Bridal Hairstyles with Loose and Natural Waves

Soft, natural waves will continue to be one of the most popular choices in 2025. This style brings a romantic and casual touch, ideal for brides looking for a fresh and modern look. Some variations include:

  • Glamorous Waves: Perfect for a sophisticated look with a polished finish.
  • Messy waves: They provide a bohemian and relaxed air, ideal for beach weddings or outdoors.
  • Wet waves effect: A wet-looking finish that gives an avant-garde and modern touch.

This type of hairstyle combines very well with accessories such as headbands, hairpins with pearls or natural flowers.

bridal waves for brides


2. Elegant and Minimalist Updos

Classic updos never go out of style, but in 2025, more refined and minimalist versions will be in fashion. Some options that will set the trend include:

  • Polished Low Bun: A timeless, elegant style that enhances your facial structure.
  • Casual chignon: Hairstyle for brides looking for a sophisticated look with a natural touch.
  • Recogidos con trenzas: Incorporar trenzas en un moño bajo agrega textura y originalidad al peinado.
  • High updo with volume: Perfect for brides who want a more regal and structured look.
  • Recogidos laterales: Muy favorecedores para resaltar facciones y dar un aire romántico.

Estos estilos son ideales para combinar con velos largos o tocados sofisticados que aporten un extra de glamour.

bridal hairstyle


3. Peinados Semirecogidos con Detalles Románticos

El semirecogido es una opción versátil que combina lo mejor de llevar el cabello suelto y recogido. En 2025, los peinados de novia con semirecogidos incluirán detalles especiales como:

  • Trenzas laterales: Aportan un toque bohemio y funcionan bien con cualquier tipo de cabello.
  • Twists y giros suaves: Crean volumen y estructura sin ser demasiado formales.
  • Accesorios naturales: Flores pequeñas, perlas y detalles dorados seguirán marcando tendencia.
  • Semirecogidos con efecto despeinado: Aportan un aire fresco y juvenil, perfecto para bodas al aire libre.
  • Semirecogidos con flequillo: Ideales para novias que desean enmarcar el rostro con un toque moderno.

Este tipo de peinado es perfecto para novias que desean un look romántico sin perder frescura y movimiento.

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4. Peinados con Coletas Sofisticadas

Las coletas han evolucionado de ser un peinado casual a una opción sofisticada y glamurosa para novias. En 2025, veremos:

  • Coleta baja con volumen: Elegante y fácil de llevar durante todo el día.
  • Coleta alta y pulida: Aporta un efecto lifting al rostro y estiliza la figura.
  • Coletas con ondas: Una opción romántica que mezcla elegancia y frescura.
  • Coletas con burbujas: Una tendencia moderna y original que añade dinamismo al peinado.
  • Coletas laterales: Perfectas para un look dulce y clásico.

Las coletas pueden complementarse con lazos de terciopelo, tocados metálicos o mechones sueltos para un look más desenfadado.

coletas de novia


5. Peinados de Novia con Trenzas Elaboradas

Las trenzas seguirán siendo una opción muy demandada en 2025. Algunas tendencias incluyen:

  • Corona de trenzas: Un look etéreo y romántico.
  • Trenza de espiga despeinada: Perfecta para bodas boho-chic.
  • Trenzas laterales dobles: Aportan un toque juvenil y sofisticado.
  • Trenzas en recogidos: Mezcladas con un moño bajo o alto para un acabado elegante.
  • Trenza en cascada: Aporta un efecto fluido y encantador al cabello suelto.

Las trenzas pueden combinarse con accesorios brillantes o flores naturales para un estilo más personalizado.


6. Peinados para Novias con Flequillo

El flequillo puede transformar completamente el estilo de una novia. Algunas opciones incluyen:

  • Flequillo cortina con ondas: Ideal para un look moderno y natural.
  • Flequillo recto con recogido: Sofisticado y clásico.
  • Flequillo lateral con coleta baja: Aporta un aire delicado y femenino.

El flequillo puede suavizar las facciones y darle un toque juvenil al look nupcial.


7. Peinados de Novia con Accesorios XXL

Los accesorios llamativos, como tiaras grandes, tocados voluminosos y flores oversized, serán protagonistas en 2025. Estos complementos pueden elevar un peinado sencillo y convertirlo en una obra de arte nupcial. Son ideales para novias que desean un look único y sofisticado.


8. Peinados con Cabello Corto

Las novias con cabello corto pueden optar por peinados sofisticados como:

  • Bob con ondas suaves: Romántico y natural.
  • Pixie con efecto despeinado: Moderno y con personalidad.
  • Cabello corto con diadema: Agrega un toque elegante y especial.


9. Peinados con Volumen y Estilo Retro

Los peinados con volumen inspirado en décadas pasadas estarán de moda:

  • Estilo Hollywood clásico: Ondas marcadas con raya lateral.
  • Peinados bouffant: Con volumen en la coronilla.
  • Recogidos estilo vintage: Con tocados elegantes.

wedding hairstyles in Marbella, wedding hairdresser


10. Peinados con Efecto Wet Look

El efecto mojado es una tendencia moderna y sofisticada para novias audaces.

bridal hairstyles



The peinados de novia en 2025 estarán marcados por la combinación de elegancia y naturalidad, con estilos versátiles que se adaptan a la personalidad y el look de cada novia. Como experta en peinados de novia en Marbella, puedo ayudarte a descubrir el look ideal para que luzcas radiante en tu gran día. Si estás buscando asesoramiento personalizado, estaré encantada de acompañarte en esta hermosa etapa. ¡Tu boda merece ser perfecta en cada detalle!

braided hairstyles

Discover 10 Incredible Hairstyles with Braids to Look Spectacular

Braids have been a key element in the world of beauty and style for centuries. From classic braids to the most intricate and modern braids, this type of hairstyle offers versatility and elegance for any occasion. If you're looking for a unique way to highlight your beauty and personality, braided hairstyles are the perfect choice. In this article, we'll explore ten types of braided hairstyles, explaining step-by-step how to achieve each one and providing inspiration so you can dazzle in style. Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of braids and discover your next stunning look.


braided hairstyles


Introduction: The Magic of Braids

Braids are not only a functional hairstyle to keep your hair in place, they are also an artistic way to express your personal style. With a wide variety of styles and techniques, braids offer endless possibilities for creating stunning hairstyles. From formal events to casual days, braids are the perfect choice to stand out in any situation.


1. Inverted Dutch Braid

The inverted Dutch braid, also known as an inverted French braid, is an elegant hairstyle that adds a touch of sophistication to any look. Unlike the conventional braid, this technique creates a three-dimensional look, making the braid appear to be in relief. Follow these simple steps to achieve this hairstyle:

  • Divide hair into three sections.
  • Cross the outer strands under the centre strand.
  • As you go, add small strands of hair to each section before crossing them.

braids for short hair


2. Braided Wreath

The braided crown is a romantic and feminine hairstyle that highlights the natural beauty of the face. Perfect for special events or weddings, this braid creates a crown around the head, adding a touch of charm and elegance. Follow these steps to achieve this dazzling look:

  • Start by braiding two sections of hair on each side of the head.
  • Join the two braids at the back of the head and secure with bobby pins.
  • Secure the ends of the braids discreetly for a continuous look.


3. Cascade braid

The waterfall braid is an elegant option that creates a flowing, ethereal look. This braid falls smoothly down the length of the hair, creating a cascading effect that is charming and modern. Follow these steps to achieve this dreamy hairstyle:

  • Start with a French braid on one side of the head.
  • As you braid, gently let small strands of hair fall, creating the waterfall effect.
  • Fasten the braid at the back with a discreet elastic band.

braids for short hair


4. Side Herringbone Braid

The side herringbone braid is a contemporary variation of the classic herringbone braid. This hairstyle adds a touch of glamour and modernity to the traditional herringbone braid look. Follow these steps to achieve this elegant hairstyle:

  • Brush the hair and sweep it to one side of the head.
  • Divide the hair into two sections.
  • Braid a section using the herringbone braid technique.
  • Secure the end with a rubber band.


5. Tousled Fish Braid

The tousled fishtail is a relaxed, bohemian option that is perfect for casual events or relaxed days. This tousled style adds a touch of freshness and authenticity. Follow these steps to achieve this charming hairstyle:

  • Separate hair into two sections.
  • Take a small strand from the outer section and cross towards the centre.
  • Repeat the process on the opposite side.
  • Continue until you reach the end and fasten with a rubber band.


braids for braids


6. Diadem Braid

The headband braid is a lovely option that adds a unique touch to your look. This braid is placed along the top of the head, creating a natural headband. Follow these steps to achieve this elegant hairstyle:

  • Divide the hair into two sections, leaving the top free.
  • Start braiding the lower section along the head.
  • Bring the braid to the opposite side, creating a headband.
  • Fasten with discreet hairpins.


7. Zigzag Root Braid

The zigzag root braid is a unique option that adds a touch of originality to your hairstyle. This braid follows a zigzag pattern instead of a straight line, creating a striking visual effect. Follow these steps to achieve this edgy look:

  • Brush the hair and divide it into zigzag sections.
  • Braid each root section in a zigzag pattern.
  • Join the braids together at the back and secure with a rubber band.


8. French Waterfall Braid

The French waterfall braid is an elegant variation of the waterfall braid, which adds a touch of refinement to the look. This braid follows the natural hairline, creating a soft and harmonious look. Follow these steps to achieve this sophisticated hairstyle:

  • Start a French braid on one side of the head.
  • As you go, gently let small strands of hair fall, creating the waterfall effect.
  • Secure the braid at the back with a rubber band.


9. Bohemian Braid with Ribbons

The bohemian braid with ribbons is a romantic and playful option that adds a touch of colour and texture to your hairstyle. This braid incorporates ribbons between the strands, creating a charming and original effect. Follow these steps to achieve this bohemian look:

  • Divide hair into sections.
  • Insert coloured ribbons between the strands as you braid.
  • Secure the braid at the back with a rubber band.


10. Double Crown Braid

The double crown braid is a stunning option that adds a regal and majestic touch to your look. This braid sits around the head in two tiers, creating a regal and elegant look. Follow these steps to achieve this princess-worthy hairstyle:

  • Divide the hair into two sections.
  • Braid each section into a French braid.
  • Place the braids around the head in two tiers, joining them at the back.
  • Fasten with bobby pins to secure them in place.


11. Under Root Braid

The underneath root braid is an elegant option that adds a unique and subtle touch to the hairstyle. Instead of braiding from the top, this technique starts at the nape of the neck, creating a distinctive effect. Follow these steps to achieve this chic hairstyle:

  • Brush the hair and divide it into sections.
  • Start a root braid from the nape of the neck upwards.
  • As you go along, add small strands of hair to each section.
  • Secure the braid with a rubber band at the top.


12. Braid in an up-do

The braid in an updo is a sophisticated option that adds a touch of glamour to any special occasion. Perfect for formal events, this braid is cleverly integrated into a sleek updo. Follow these steps to achieve this refined hairstyle:

  • Brush the hair and gather the top part into a bun or chignon.
  • Start a braid at the bottom of the updo.
  • Wrap the braid around the updo and secure with bobby pins.


13. Ponytail Braid

The ponytail braid is a modern, casual option that adds a touch of style to your everyday look. This hairstyle is versatile and easy to achieve, perfect for any occasion. Follow these steps to achieve this casual look:

  • Brush the hair and gather it into a ponytail at the desired height.
  • Start a braid at the top of the ponytail.
  • Braid to the end and secure with a rubber band.


14. Root Braid

The root braid is a classic option that adds a touch of elegance to your hairstyle. This braid follows the natural hairline from the forehead to the nape of the neck, creating a timeless look. Follow these steps to achieve this sophisticated hairstyle:

  • Brush the hair and divide the front section into three parts.
  • Start a braid from the roots towards the nape of the neck.
  • As you go along, add small strands of hair to each section.
  • Secure the braid with a rubber band at the nape of the neck.


15. Half Up Braid

The half up braid is a lovely option that combines the elegance of an updo with the freshness of loose hair. This hairstyle is perfect for casual events and everyday looks. Follow these steps to achieve this balanced look:

  • Separate a section of hair at the top and gather it into a small bun.
  • Start a braid at the bottom of the bun, incorporating the loose hair.
  • Secure the braid with a rubber band at the bottom.


Braided Hairstyles for Short Hair: Exploring Elegance in Brevity

Short hair doesn't limit braiding options, on the contrary, it offers opportunities to create fresh and modern looks. Here are two braids for short hair that will allow you to express your style in a unique way.


16. Crown Braid for Short Hair

The crown braid for short hair is a lovely option that adds a touch of romance and style to shorter manes. Follow these steps to achieve this elegant look:

  • Separate a section of hair at the front.
  • Start a root braid around the head.
  • Secure the braid with bobby pins at the back to form a crown.


17. Side Braid for Short Hair

The side braid for short hair is a cool, modern option that highlights the texture and shape of a short haircut. Follow these steps to achieve this chic hairstyle:

  • Separate a section of hair on one side of the head.
  • Start a side French braid.
  • Braid to the end and fasten with a discreet elastic band.


Conclusion: Express your hairstyle with Unique Braids

The hairstyles with braids offer a creative and beautiful way to express your personal style. From classic braids to modern variations, there's an option for every occasion and personality. Experiment with these ten braided hairstyles, follow the detailed steps and discover how you can dazzle in style in any situation. Elevate your beauty with the magic of braids and make your hair the centrepiece of your stunning look - discover the fascinating world of braids and let your creativity blossom!